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Illinois River Clean Up Apr 26 & 27, 2025


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A Fundraiser for the The Dome School
Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest 


Celebration at 6 Mile

 illyfest celebration will be from 4 pm to 10 pm at Six Mile 

Saturday April 26, 2025

12 pm  FOOD TRUCK open


5 pm    RAFFLE begins

6 pm    LIVE MUSIC



Contact Travis Garnier (541) 415 -4820


Race Schedule

illyfest WHITEWATER RACES Sat Apr 26, 11:00 - 1:00

AIRE Rapid Grand Prix Rules & Classes & IRF Race Rules

8:00 AM: Registration Opens (Location: Six Mile Day Use Area)

Mandatory Safety Meeting at put in 10 minutes before each launch


11:00 Hard boats

11:30 R2 Round Boat, R2 Paddle Cat

12:00 IK, Pack raft, SUP, Tube, River Board
12:30 Oar Rafts Round Boat, Oar Rafts Cat Boat

1:00 R4 Rafts, round boat only

Contact Josh Isengale (541) 287 -0027


American Whitewater Free Shuttles

American Whitewater Boater Shuttle (1).png

  • AW Advocates for permanent mineral withdrawal at Rough & Ready Creek, Baldface Creek, and other Kalmiopsis streams.

  • Expansion efforts for Smith River NRA to include Oregon’s North Fork Smith River and tributaries.

  • Advocacy with the Forest Service post-Flat Fire in 2023, to ensure Illinois River Canyon would be open for winter boating.

  • Leadership in the Klamath dam removal project, securing five new river access facilities on the undammed reaches, removal of in-stream hazards affecting boaters, and so much more.

sugar pine dine logo.jpg


illyfest  is partnered with Sugar Pine Dine & Grip n Grub to offer  Taco bar dinner Saturday night, to go sack lunches Sat & Sun, and breakfast Sunday morning. Food tickets are for sale (yellow tickets) on site in $5 cash increments. BYO Tupperware to keep your lunch safe in the boat.


Raffle 5 pm Saturday

$1 each or 25 tickets for $20

illyfest  raffle rules:

1) Participants must be present to win and have their winning ticket in hand

2) Event Organizers are not eligible to enter the raffle

3) Red carded individuals may not win raffle prizes, see event rules

Registered Volunteers receive 10 free raffle tickets per person

Contact Mariah Dee (541) 291 -6633


Clean Up Schedule

illyfest River Clean Up 

Sun Apr 27, 10:00 - 3:00


Boat Based: meet at put ins 10 am:

8 Dollar Put in to 6 Mile
6 Mile to Ring Beach
Low Water Bridge to Miami Bar


Land & Vehicle based:
6 Mile meet up at 10 am Sunday

Contact Angie Furhmann (480) 818 -3649




illyfest is soliciting donations from outdoor recreation retailers and the boating community. Sponsors make this event possible by covering insurance costs and dumpster rental. Profits are donated to the Dome School, a local non profit.

1) To be raffled off at the Celebration on Saturday evening.

2) Raffle tickets awarded as prizes to 1st place race winners at the Celebration.

It is the donor’s income tax responsibility to determine deductibility and/or obtain valuation, the dollar figure provided on the receipt is for donor recognition and accounting purposes only.

Contact Nicole Smedegaard (971) 235-3693


Join   illyfest  mailing list

Your contact info will only be used for Illinois Clean Up Event updates and planning.

Thanks for being a part of the event!



illyfest EVENT RULES in place 8am Saturday until 5 pm Sunday along the Illinois River Road and waterway between 6 Mile and Miami Bar Access. Siskiyou Field Institute and "Boy scout Camp" properties are also included.

In addition to all local, state, and federal regulations and repercussions, you will be red carded by event organizers for the following:

  • Discharging firearms or fireworks during the event

  • Physical, sexual, or verbal assault

  • Dogs off leash, dog fights

RED CARDS include the following consequences to your actions:

  • No Raffle Prizes Awarded, forfeiture of any money spent on tickets

  • No Race Prizes or placement

  • No participation in future illyfest events 

illyfest RULES

About illyfest


The Illinois River in southern Oregon is a world-class whitewater paddling destination for both private boaters and commercial outfitters. A tributary of the Rogue, Illinois River conservation efforts are focused locally through the Kalmiopsis Guides Association and Rogue Riverkeeper, a program of KS Wild. Protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in 1984 and designation of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness in 1964 allows paddle sports enthusiasts to enjoy an overnight whitewater wilderness trip through spectacular scenery, including rare endemic plants and otherworldly Serpentine soils. Upstream of this overnight Wilderness gem, the Scenic stretch through the Rogue Siskiyou National Forest along the Illinois River Road sees an annual accumulation of garbage that volunteers and boaters at illyfest aim to prevent from entering the Wilderness.



It is heartbreaking for locals and paddlers to see the quantity of garbage that piles up in this outstanding stretch of river annually. Josephine county has issues with abandoned trailers and tires being dumped along forest roads, perched along banks of streams such as Rough and Ready Creek and Deer Creek. These tributaries feed into the Illinois River and the garbage runoff travels downstream during high water events. In addition to the dumping problem, Illinois River Road is a wildly popular recreation area during summer months. Emerald swimming holes  attract bumper to bumper parking along the roadway and the river banks are loved to death, leaving behind trash.



illyfest, a small annual river clean up event put on by local boaters, is growing this year to include a fundraiser for the Dome School, a local non profit school that “works hand-in-hand with families to ignite a lifelong love of learning and a deep caring for the diversity of humanity and the natural world.” Funding will aid programming that gets kids outside.



illyfest is an event for boaters by boaters, who are volunteering to collect and carry the garbage on whitewater rafts from the riparian zone and river bed. The community is invited to volunteer with us for land based or boat based clean up efforts. Local boat builder SOTAR Whitewater Manufacturing will have demo boats available for volunteers to use during the event. Volunteers can enjoy an after party at Six Mile Campground, where a raffle will raise funds for the Dome School. Before the raffle, prizes will be awarded for the largest diameter tire collected and to first place winners of the whitewater races.


Date: April 26 & 27, 2025

Cause: Fundraiser for the Dome School

Itinerary: Raft based litter clean up, whitewater races, celebration

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